Media language:
The shot that is used in the first screen capture is an establishing shot of the scenery, this shot allows us to see what the setting is like as a whole. Using a shot like this to start off the trailer is beneficial, as it straight away lets the audience see what they are in for and what is being offered to them in the game.

GTA is a Rockstar game, Rockstar have always been the institution behind

3.6 million copies were sold with the first 24 hours of the game being released, coming to approximately $310 million (£194 million) in revenue within a week.
The genre of GTA is a video game, however when playing the game it follows a narrative, it actually follows three different narratives as you have the option to play between three different people. The game in general is seen as being very violent and harmful, however i would disagree. When playing the game you get to see an aspect of the world from three different views; a rich family man, a struggling black male trying to become a success, and a crazy hill billy. From this I believe that people actually become more aware of how different people live in the world. However you still get the freedom to do what you want, but you still face the consequences e.g. when you steal, or kill someone the police come after you.
The audience for GTA is 18+ however a vast amount of young kids play the game. This may be due to that fact that the younger generation are more interested in these games and they generally have more time on their hands or is it that they get to find an escape to a world where they can be free and do whatever they desire. However the same can be said for the older generation 30+, as research has shown that more older than younger people tend to play the game. This again can relate back the theory of escape and freedom, as in the real world there are major consequences for what people do and there are a range of restrictions, whereas in games like GTA you can be whoever you want and do whatever you want.
We are currently living in a low economical society, it means that spending is on a how time low, as people are more weary of how they spend their money. However people have still spent a lot of money on gaming. For the UK it was the fastest selling game of all time, it sold over 631,000 copies in just 24 hours and in the 5 day period that the game was available it sold over 927,000 copies. This shows that even though people are being very careful where they spend there money, they still have a need for gaming. This may be due to the fact they have can have a 'escape' or 'diversion' (Blumber & Kattz). It allows people to get away from the real world and play a life out of someone else, in this case they have three totally different lifestyles to choose from. We also live in a multicultural society, and England is one of the worlds most multicultural countries, this means that when media products are released they should be able to appeal to all of these (most of these) audiences. This can be seen in GTA V as they have created three characters in the game, each with their own separate lifestyle. This would appeal to the British market as people would be able to see the portrayal of real people in the game, thus making the game more life like and enjoyable.
Economical factors that concern GTA V are that people think that games such as GTA V have a great affect on young kids that play the, as it causes them to behave violently and could lead to much more. However I disagree, as we are in an society where some parents/guardians may not know what the game is about and they would go and buy the game. And as business want to make profits they would sell the game to the parent knowing that its not suitable for the child. However as we are in low economical state, business need to make profits.
There are a range of political issues with the game, as a vast amount of people believe that the game has lead people to commit crimes and it increases the violence because of what is shown in the game. However I would disagree as although there is a vast amount of violence, sexism, and explicit content that has been shown, there are also other games that are much more outrageous with what is shown for example Mortal Kombat and Manhunt. Both of these games are very violent and the way the characters are shown being killed is far more explicit than anything shown in GTA.
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