working title
1) Are games such as GTA 5 racist and harmful?
2) What effect do the racial stereotypes in GTA V have on the younger generation?
3) To what extent do the racial stereotypes in GTA V effect the younger generation?
Is the use of racial stereotypes in video games such as GTA V having a negative effect on the young generation that are playing these games, or are they used simply to create a interesting character.
Games such as GTA V have a negative effect on the younger generation, due to the high level of violence and racial stereotypes that are enforced through the characters, settings, and lifestyle.
Linked production
Spin off movie to GTA V. Three characters coming together in order to complete something. Add humor to this, as my initial idea was to create a comedy/parody film/production. The production will be heavily based on racism/racist stereotypes.
Institution - Rockstar Games - Rockstar Games is a multinational video game developer and publisher based in New York City, owned by Take-Two Interactive following its purchase of British video game publisher BMG Interactive.[2] The publisher is known for the Grand Theft Auto, Max Payne, L.A. Noire, The Warriors, Bully, Manhunt, Midnight Club and Red Dead games as well the use of open world, free roaming settings in their games. It comprises studios that have been acquired and renamed as well as others that have been created internally. While many of the studios Take-Two Interactive has acquired have been merged into the Rockstar brand, several other recent ones have retained their previous identities and have become part of the company's 2K Games division. The Rockstar Games label was founded in New York City in 1998[3] by the Britishvideo game producers Sam Houser, Dan Houser, Terry Donovan, Jamie King and Gary Foreman.[4]
Genre - The genre of the media text is a game, GTA V (5). The game is available across three different gaming consoles; PS3, XBox, and PC.
The GTA series has always allowed the players to free roam in the game, it allows them to play games within the game, as they can do a range of other activities once they have completed missions or the whole game, whereas others games only allow the gamer to complete the missions and once the game is completed, there isn't much to do.
The GTA series has always allowed the players to free roam in the game, it allows them to play games within the game, as they can do a range of other activities once they have completed missions or the whole game, whereas others games only allow the gamer to complete the missions and once the game is completed, there isn't much to do.
Furthermore looking at the GTA series there has always been a high level of violence, sexual content and explicit scenes. From the first GTA that was released, the game was set from a birds eye POV, the character was set missions such as bank robberies and assassinations, the character was also given the chance to free roam in the game. After the success of GTA 1 the series of GTA had started, but it was only until the release of GTA 3 when the game became a 3D, giving the game a whole new dimension of gaming. Although the game has had a lot of changes through the years of its release, it's always been consistent with its violent aspects and the story line always leads to people being killed, involvement of drugs or dirty.
Black males - There is a negative representation of balk males in the game, as they are shown as being violent and reckless, as they are shown committing crimes, doing drugs and being very violent. They are also shown in the 'hood' as this is where black people are stereo-typically thought to live.
Whits males - The white males that are featured in the game are shown as being quite high up in the game, Micheal is on the white main characters in the game, he calls a lot of the shots in the game and he tells the other two what to do. He is also quite rich and well known. Compared to Franklin and Trevor, Micheal is shown to have more power, i believe that this has been done due to the fact that he a white upper middle class male.
Whits males - The white males that are featured in the game are shown as being quite high up in the game, Micheal is on the white main characters in the game, he calls a lot of the shots in the game and he tells the other two what to do. He is also quite rich and well known. Compared to Franklin and Trevor, Micheal is shown to have more power, i believe that this has been done due to the fact that he a white upper middle class male.
Females - The females shown in the game are all shown in a negative way, as they are shown as being hookers, prostitutes, strippers or cheating on their husbands. Although when the game is loading, a female character is shown as a police woman, however in the actual game their are no female officers, in fact their are no females that work in any public service field, they are all shown working are 'hoes' and strippers.
Audience - The social group that GTA V would fit would be 14 - 25, 75% male 25% female, BC1 socio demographic.This would be the main secondary social group that the game would fall in to, as the age rating of the game is 18 however the game is predominantly owned by younger audiences.
Narrative - The narrative of GTA V is not set on a specific character or place. You play as three different characters that have totally different lifestyles, however they all end up together. Trevor and Micheal know each other from committing a robbery in the past. Micheal meets Franklin, when Franklin is sent to steal his car. In the end they all end up coming together in order to commit another robbery.
Young and Rubicam
Explorers - There would be some 'explorers' in this group as they would like the concept of being challenged and as the game provides challenges through three different game characters and an array of different setting to play in, this group would be attracted to a game such as GTA V.
Aspirers - Aspirers are seen to be materialistic and they look for status, therefore they would follow others in what they buy and what they do in order to fit into society. And as GTA V was one most successful games to be sold. 3.6 million copies were sold with the first 24 hours of the game being released, coming to approximately $310 million (£194 million) in revenue within a week. What these statistics show are that a incredibly large majority of people purchased this game, which in return comes back to 'aspirers' as they would purchase things that a vast amount of people are buying.
We are currently living in a low economical society, it means that spending is on a how time low, as people are more weary of how they spend their money. However people have still spent a lot of money on gaming. For the UK it was the fastest selling game of all time, it sold over 631,000 copies in just 24 hours and in the 5 day period that the game was available it sold over 927,000 copies. This shows that even though people are being very careful where they spend there money, they still have a need for gaming. This may be due to the fact they have can have a 'escape' or 'diversion' (Blumber & Kattz). It allows people to get away from the real world and play a life out of someone else, in this case they have three totally different lifestyles to choose from. We also live in a multicultural society, and England is one of the worlds most multicultural countries, this means that when media products are released they should be able to appeal to all of these (most of these) audiences. This can be seen in GTA V as they have created three characters in the game, each with their own separate lifestyle. This would appeal to the British market as people would be able to see the portrayal of real people in the game, thus making the game more life like and enjoyable. One way in which the characters have been made to seem more life like is through the racial stereotypes that have been used. For example, Franklin the black male in the game has been shown as being very 'gangster' and 'hood', this is one of the greatest stereotypes that are enforced on black people. He is also shown as being quite illiterate, "I thought we is tryna get out the bullshit." This is one of the lines that Franklin says in his characters trailer, adding to another stereotype that black males are uneducated.
- Rockstar Japan
- Rockstar Toronto
- Rockstar New England
- Rockstar Vienna
- Rockstar North
- Rockstar London
- Rockstar Vancouver
- Rockstar Leeds
- Rockstar San Diego
- Rockstar Lincoln
Racial Stereotypes in history based that are in the game:
Micheal - White rich male
- Rich
- Big house
- Well educated
- Has a whole family
- Is well connected
These are all aspects that we would tend to associate to a white male, as these are the positive stereotypes that are enforced upon them. This has been done for years, as white people have always been in power in some form, for example the Queen of England is white. By using stereotypes that we would associate white people, with a character in a game allows that character to come to life.
- From the hood
- A 'gang banger'
- Uneducated
- Sells drugs
- Steals
- Wears gang related colors (green)
These are all stereotypes that we would associate with black males as these are the stereotypes that are enforced upon this ethnic group in society. However the audience find this amusing as they get to play with a character that has life like features, this gives the gamer a whole new world to play in. These are all also stereotypes that have been built upon the years and they have originated from thousands of years ago.
Trevor - White 'hillbilly' male
- Lives in a broken rough home
- Doesn't take much care of himself
- Is very aggressive
- Uneducated
These are all stereotypes that we would associate with black males as these are the stereotypes that are enforced upon this ethnic group in society. However the audience find this amusing as they get to play with a character that has life like features, this gives the gamer a whole new world to play in. These are all also stereotypes that have been built upon the years and they have originated from thousands of years ago.
- Lives in a broken rough home
- Doesn't take much care of himself
- Is very aggressive
- Uneducated
Once again very stereotypical aspects have been applied to this character, Trevor is the most violent, disrespectful character in the game.
The term 'hillbilly' was fist seen in the 1900, in a York Journal article, it read "a Hill-Billie is a free and untrammeled white citizen of Alabama, who lives in the hills, has no means to speak of, dresses as he can, talks as he pleases, drinks whiskey when he gets it, and fires off his revolver as the fancy takes him." This is the definition that was given to the word Hillbilly. I believe that it is from definitions like this and assumptions made by people that have created this stereotype. However through it we are able to recognize characters, thus making the game much more interesting.
History of video games?
History of video games?
Economical factors that concern GTA V are that people think that games such as GTA V have a great affect on young kids that play the, as it causes them to behave violently and could lead to much more. However I disagree, as we are in an society where some parents/guardians may not know what the game is about and they would go and buy the game. And as business want to make profits they would sell the game to the parent knowing that its not suitable for the child. However as we are in low economical state, business need to make profits.
The political factors that surround the game link in with the economical factors as there have been stories that the game have influenced young kids/teens to commit crimes that they ma have not done if they hadn't played the game.
This is a story of a young boy who killed his farther and brother. The police have said that he had committed the crime after being inspired by the game GTA V. However i believe that the police have added the fact that he was inspired by the game in order to create a panic about the game. As there are thousands of young people that play the game and they have not been involved in any crime/killing based activities.
This is a story of a young boy who killed his farther and brother. The police have said that he had committed the crime after being inspired by the game GTA V. However i believe that the police have added the fact that he was inspired by the game in order to create a panic about the game. As there are thousands of young people that play the game and they have not been involved in any crime/killing based activities.
Representation and stereotyping
Media effects
Reality TV
News Values
Moral Panics
Post 9/11 and the media
Ownership and control
Regulation and censorship
Media technology and the digital revolution – changing technologies in the 21st century
The effect of globalisation on the media
Moral Panics - The Game has been seen on the news as it is believed that the game has a negative effect on children that play the game. Thus when people see this it creates a panic, as parents would be worried about their kids being influenced by the game.
Semiotics - Throughout the game there are a range of signs that are shown and have been placed in order to make the audience think and engage. For example there have been 'Illuminati' (triangle with eye) placed throughout the game. This makes the audience think as some people may believe that it has been there as a subliminal message, whereas others see it as an easter egg.

Marxism and hegemony
Liberal Pluralism
Colonialism and Post-colonialism
Audience theories
Genre theories
Contemporary Media Landscape
Media texts
The main media text that I am going to be focusing on is GTA V, as this is the main text that I am going to focus on I will be looking in to how the game was marketed and what was done in order for the game to become such a great success.
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